Order Standard Business Card Online
Order Standard Business Cards online. White Star Design and Marketing allows you to order professional looking cards without custom designed. So for your convenience, we have created several different catagories for you to select, choose the card and order online. Here is how to order:
The order process is started by selecting a catagory in which your profession can fit. On the orange bar click on catalogs, then click on Business Cards, then click on Standard Business Cards, then select a catagory. Once you have selected a catagory you will see the available cards bellow. You can choose the card in the catagory by clicking on that title of the card. Once you have selected the card of your choice, then you have a few options to choose to better fit your interest. You can select the color of text. By clicking on the black box next to where the color number will be. When you select a color it will allow us to know exactly which color you have chosen. The next option is selecting a font. These are common fonts that you would see on Google. You can select a card quantity of 250, 500 and 1000. Price can be effected by your chose of quantity. After selecting the card options fill out at lease the business card fields that are required and marked by the assterisk. Review all aspects and options to make sure everything is correct, then click on “Add to Cart” Have your credit card ready to apply to Paypal checkout. You will be sent a copy of your order and the price. Continue with your order by clicking the Paypal button.
If you have questions or want Custom cards contact White Star by e-mail or calling:(385) 207-9067
Thank you for using White Star Design and Markeitng.
White Star